Threads IV: Bigger Really is Better


Date: December 9, 2014.
Weather: 27° – Sunny

Jeans: Super Skinny 510 Levis
Shoes: H&M
Watch: Michael Kors
Bracelets: Self made

It’s a Friday evening
I find myself at the swanky Paris Club downtown Chicago wearing this amazing sweater, enjoying a conversation at the bar with a London Bloke over mussels and the finest dirty martinis (vodka of course) garnished with the best blue cheese stuffed olives.

8 hours earlier
I arrived at my hotel downtown Chicago and not only was I ready for a cocktail but I was ready for some shopping as well.  I enjoyed a vodka soda with lime before heading out to the shops.  I had no obligations on this trip but to meet a good friend at 10.30 that night, so I was on my own to explore until then.

Naturally, when meeting a friend in a different city, I seek out a fresh new outfit.
This sweater was the only one of its kind left. Obviously I picked that baby up like it was the last delicious appetizer at the holiday party.  I looked at the tag and almost cried when I read the letter “L”, I couldn’t let the size of this sweater interfere with the strong bond I knew this sweater and I would grow to have.  I took her back to the fitting room and tried her on, she took my breath away.  Some things are just meant to be, I call her my moo-moo due to her size and comfort.

A few hours and several shopping bags later
I made my way back to my room to freshen up and put moo-moo on before heading out for a bite. Dinning out by yourself is to die for, I recommend it to everyone. If you look good and feel good, sitting alone at a table won’t even matter.

Surviving my first dinner out by myself I decided to head to a new venue for a martini.  Upon arriving to a full room of people at Paris Club I found an open seat at the bar.  Before I could get cozy, a handsome gentlemen sat down next to me.  He complimented my sweater and watch and asked me what I was drinking. I was taken off guard by his charming British accent and immediately looked for any indication of him being taken. I could not find one. After a couple of those dirty martinis and some mussels, I got my answer.

While comparing our watches I noticed I was extremely late meeting my friend.

I informed this London lad and he insisted he get me there as fast he could.  Valet whipped his car around and he sped me to my destination.  We said goodbye in a fairytale sort of way, if you know what I mean. I embarked on my next adventure with my friend, apologizing over and over again for being late.  He forgave me after hearing my fairytale.

Towards the end of a long night
My friend and I were enjoying cocktails at a bar when I spotted the London bloke making out with another lad across the bar from us. My fairytale shattered to pieces as I threw back the last of my vodka soda. My very own royal wedding had been ruined.  The vision of our London life together had been lost. I thought to myself, Bitch… get it together, your sweater is everything right now. Needless to say, I got my shit together and had my friend to thank, not the one standing next to me but the one on me, moo-moo.*

Morals of the story
Don’t let the little letter on a tag discourage you from buying it because in the end, it may be the perfect fit for you.  Not only will you have new garment options but there is a possibility it will snap you back to reality when you are being totally unrealistic about something which was not a perfect fit, but merely a superb time to appreciate in the moment.

*I do not condone getting attached to material possessions but sometimes shit happens.

Until next Tuesday,

Threads IV: Bigger Really is Better

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